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Old 08-05-2015, 08:41 AM   #37
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Pacific Grove, CA
Posts: 494
I guess I'm the old man modder cause I bought my '99 Box, with 74K miles, at 62 and drove the piss out of it on track, AX and twisty back roads. After a year I put the LN IMS and updated RMS in then went to the ROW M030 suspension, big red S brakes, GT3 air ducts, EVOM CAI, Fabspeed headers, Dansk Sport exhaust and a whole host of mods to lighting and interior. My last two mods are a GAAH glass window top and 18" Carrera wheels. My Box has gone from outlaw look back to clean and slightly stock look. Age has nothing to do with how one feels about something or their passion to create a unique and individual whatever (in this case a car) for themselves. Keep On Boxsterin'.

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