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Old 05-02-2015, 07:47 AM   #961
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Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
oh man... speechless atm

(in the hospital waiting room waiting for my mate who is getting a piece a 2~3" ABS plastic pulled out from his back.) Road racing accident, today at the track :/

Pissing rain in Shanghai, windy, cold, Non stop. and now this Hervé.... wtf.

That oven's thermostat is nasty offset for sure (???). Even at 300+ degree C for 10min... it might possibly chg shape a tad but would never burn. Unless it is one of those mini oven then that might explain what happened.

Good news is there are a few of those headlights available here and there - affordable. I'd also post in the WTB section of the forum... sure a fella member here will give you a break on cost
In retrospect, I'd rather be in my seat than your buddy's... Hope he'll recover nicely.

They were not burnt but they caved in and looked milky.
I'll start looking for a new set, see if maybe charles can handle the conversion for me.
2002 Boxster S
'04 Convertible top with glass window
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