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Old 04-26-2015, 05:38 AM   #33
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Well I am the original owner of my 2000 Boxster that I got it in December 1999. There is no way I would sell it - to me it was a classic the day I bought it. Most of the people on these boards are second to fifth owners and they have gotten the car for a steal - which is great. But in some ways they underestimate its potential value and are willing to sell it at a low price to move on especially since they got it at a reasonable price. Given inflation and the number of Boxters dying off there is no doubt that in 10-15 years the price of an old Boxster will be the same or higher than what it is selling for today. Would you have thought in 1965 that the average car would be selling for 25000-35000 in 2013? What will the average car sell for in 2050?

If you were to buy a new Boxster today - the first year of ownership - depreciation would cost you 9000. The same for the next 2-3 years. So if you buy an old Boxster and it lasts 3 years, you are already ahead 18,000. I haven't driven a new one but I doubt it's that much better. So when someone sells it for 8000, from my perspective they are losing sight of its value. In the end, these cars will be scrapped because the owner won't want to put in the money to maintain it. That will create scarcity.

Will it go for more than a 993 - probably never, but might a 986 go for more than a 996 - you never know - if you guys scrap enough of them - maybe I'll find out in 20 years....
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