As the OP was requesting opinions on this color, my post was completely relevant. It would seem that you are the one with anger issues, judging by all the rude and inappropriate posts you have made so far in this forum. (Still bitter about the big kids taking your lunch money?) You serve absolutely no purpose here and I am sure that I am not the only member wishing you would take your bad attitude and your trash talk somewhere else.
The original wording of tonichristie's post, from my email notification, prior to him editing it:
"And this had some relevance, jackhole?"
I have reported the post to the admin, noting that he has made no posts of value and posts solely to criticize and berate other members. He has been called out about this before by other members and has made no effort to change his unacceptable behavior. On this basis I have asked that he be removed from the member list. I would encourage anyone else of the same mind to also drop a line to the admin about it.
'99 black 986