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Old 04-08-2015, 01:29 PM   #14
The Radium King
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Originally Posted by steved0x View Post
I've always wondered - if the difference between the two is just the size of the oil reservoir, could somebody mod the original AOS so that is can hold more volume, maybe by adding a piggyback container that joined to the side so that the AOS would not overfill with oil and give it a little more time to exit in the proper way. I wonder if there is even room. Or the hose that takes the oil from the AOS and returns it to the engine - could it be replaced with a longer hose, thereby providing a little extra capacity, maybe just enough to keep the oil from overfilling the AOS.

Just random thoughts.

Yeah, I have blown the smoke bomb once at the track, in my case I had accidentally filled the oil 1-2 bars over the full line just as you describe. The power cut out of the car (similar to when the TC comes on or when you hit the rev limiter), flashing CEL for a few seconds, reading the code later it was misfires on a couple of cylinders. It was scary.
what you can do is take the pipe that runs from your aos to your intake and route it through an afternarket air/oil seperator OR an oil catchcan then back to your intake. this way, if your primary aos fails, you have some pre-warning that something is afoot and can take action before hydrolock, smoke bombs, etc. the other thing to note is that the aos has several iterations as porsche improved the design; make sure you have the latest (latest version is .04, although there is as version for the +03 models that may fit as well ...).
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