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Old 04-01-2015, 05:59 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by steved0x View Post
Following up to this thread, I replaced my MT Oil in my 2000S last week with the Porsche Fluid. I have immediately noticed the following things (albeit after only 2 test drives of about 40 miles)

1. Before - whenever I would park, I would always go ahead and put it in reverse for next time, otherwise I would have a devil of a time getting it into reverse when it was cold.

2. Before, when I would first start up for the day and drive off, I would have a devil of a time going from 2nd to 3rd until it had sufficiently warmed up.

Both of these are resolved with the new Porsche MT Oil, and overall shifting is much smoother. I am not sure what was in there before or how long it was in there, but I am loving the new fluid very much, definitely worth it to me.

Just bought a 2001 Boxster S with 118,000 miles. When cold it is very slow to go into any gear. About 3 miles later it is ok. I did a drain and fill with Porsche fluid - no change. I do not know if it was ever changed before.

In my BMWs, I always used Redline in the trans and diff. BMW specs a lighter gear lube than Porsche, but I was hoping that a lighter fluid would make it easier to shift when cold. Anyone successfully using Redline and which viscosity? Thanks.
2001 Boxster S, 030 'Sport Chassis', LNE IMS, 18"oem wheels.
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