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Old 04-01-2015, 04:09 PM   #1
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Headlight assembly removal

I was attempting to remove the headlight assembly on my 98' Boxster (to replace a bulb). I did this once before, a number of years ago, but now I'm having a terrible time. The "wrench" that comes in the tool kit just doesn't appear to fit into the nylon receptical fitting in the car's fender hole. It looks like the kit's hex wrench end is bigger than the nylon female fitting, in the fender so it's not turning it.

So I'm really baffled since I know I once removed the assembly. Any ideas? (the "wrench" in the kit is a two part piece...the wrench portion and a pivoting handle... at first I thought I was using the wrong one, but it's the only one in the kit)

What am I doing wrong? Ideas?.... seems nuts to go to a dealer just to do something I did once before.

Last edited by Rob175; 04-01-2015 at 04:11 PM.
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