Thread: LED Lights
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Old 10-28-2014, 10:31 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by 02Brutus986 View Post
Same here. No luck getting on that page to read it. I will keep working on it because I want to find out how to get my lights to run LED's
Here's my post from

I bought some 99p LED bulbs off eBay to try in the rear light clusters of my pre-facelift 986 and, of course, due to the reverse polarity in the rear/brake light sockets they didn't work. The reverse lights, however, work OK. Anyway, here's a quick fix to get the bulbs working which entails reversing the polarity of the bulb rather than the cluster housing:

These are the bulbs I bought:

First, pop the top off the bulb to expose the circuit board

Then de-solder the wires leading to the -ve bayonet housing and the +ve end terminal

You can just about see the + and - signs marking the polarity of the terminals on the board behind the LEDs

Then just re-solder the wires back on the opposite way around In this case the red -ve wire (which is connected to the bayonet housing) is now attached to the +ve terminal on the circuit board and the +ve centre wire (attached to the end terminal of the bayonet) is connected to the -ve terminal. The centre wire appeared to have an in-line resistor.

Push the top back on and stick it in the rear light socket or the brake socket and it should now work.

This one is in the rear light. I have a 50 SMD one in the reverse light which has normal polarity.

May be useful if you've bought some cheap LEDs that didn't work and were thinking of chucking them out

Hope that helps.
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