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Old 03-25-2006, 09:55 AM   #9
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Join Date: Feb 2006
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Posts: 14
Also, I find it kind of troubling that you guys are talking about packing heat. The repercussions should be fairly obvious. I'm not a lawyer, nor well versed in Pittsburgh vehicle codes. But I would speculate that most states have similar requirements governing the aspects of keeping a gun in your car. More than likely, you will need a gun permit or concealed weapons permit. And if you have a gun in the car, you will more than likely have to keep the firearm and ammunition in either separate cases, or separate vehicle compartments. This is probably because the fuzz figure the longer it takes someone to assemble their toys, the more time they'll have to think about what they're about to do. It would be a shame to be charged with manslaughter for killing someone who was walking to your car to ask you for a dollar/the time/directions/etc.

I'm getting a feeling that Pittsburgh has some less than respectable neighborhoods. My advice to you guys is to anticipate your arrival to the questionable area, then just raise your top until you're in the clear. Or you could always take a detour. There is more than one route to get to where you're going.
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