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Old 06-23-2014, 09:40 AM   #47
On the slippery slope
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Originally Posted by Coaster View Post
I agree texting and driving is a terrible (potentially deadly) combination; however, I'm ok with using the phone in hand free mode while driving. I can have a conversation with some one via blue tooth just as easy as if they were in the car. I think CA requires phone calls to be of the hands free type also. I do believe maturity has some impact on this and so does the state of Texas, kids under the age of 18 can't use a phone while driving (not even hands free).
Basically the same in California. under 18- first year driving NO phone use, hands free or otherwise. After that hands free only

Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
yes but talking to the driver is also distracting, particularly if it's not at all related to the commute (ie someone giving you directions).
At the end of the day a conversation with a driver at speed, or on the blue tooth, is multi-tasking the brain.
And endless studies have proven that this opens the door to distraction which opens the door to driving errors.
I was on a bus into NYC and the driver pulled over to tell a female passenger seated one row back to get off the phone.
Gold star for that guy.
The human brain does not multi-task, it switches from task to task quickly(sometimes). That being said, the typical time it takes to look at a phone, grasp what it says and eyes back to the road is 6 seconds! At 65 mph, you cover ~ 95 feet per second, 6 seconds = ~575 feet or almost 2 football fields

How many times have you been driving and then all of a sudden you don't remember how you got where you were? I'm not talking about a long trip, but just a few seconds of distraction
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