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Old 06-10-2014, 06:04 PM   #18
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: NY
Posts: 61
Oh man guys I need help. After I replaced the switch things worked well for a week or so. Then one morning I went out and found the battery to be dead. This was an interesting experience as I couldn't get the frunk open. After I was finally able to figure out how to do that I took the battery out and took it to the auto parts store and it was completely dead. That seemed ok it was 3 years old so I bought a new battery, put it in and was good to go for a few days. Now battery is dead again so I charged it up ran the car and it's dead again 12 hours later. Any ideas here? My friend thinks it's the new cheap o switch from Napa , I have no clue! I want to drive my car!!!!!!
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