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Old 06-07-2014, 05:42 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by woodsman View Post
And then there's the over-zealous Americans and their worship of their ' property rights', blah, blah. "You come on my property and I'll shoot you ********************!". Hey how's that work'in for ya folks? I watch 'cops' and ' the first 48 hrs' and it seems America is by far the most dangerous 'peaceful' country in the world. (Hey Mark T will you move 200 miles south please- you'll fit in there real well). All your precious false pretentions to violence are just like a dragon eating its own tail. Shoot away 'cause you have 'a right to'!
Hey Woodsman, "over zealous Americans"! you should be saying that in German! Though you wouldn't be here to do so because your parents would have been lined up and shot or worked to death. Yeah, there, I said it. I had a father and and 2 uncles in WWII and two bit low lifes ragging on Americans make me want to puke. The very thing you despise makes you and your families life possible. And before replying to this, know that is was right wing crazy Americans like me that made it happen for you and your entire country, and would do so again. I know, I was raised by them, hold their values, and respect them immeasurably.
2003 S manual
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