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Old 06-07-2014, 01:32 PM   #139
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Originally Posted by TypeA View Post
I guess if someone instinctively swerves to miss a stray cat that darts out in front of them and that driver ends up wrapping their car around a telephone pole, and dies as a result of their injuries, well THAT would also be considered just an "act of god", right? Awesome, just whatever you do or whatever happens, do NOT blame the owner of the cat.
Better yet, take an emergency skid- control course or participate in autocrossing or car racing and become skilled enough to brilliantly HANDLEan emergency- situation and forget the telephone post all together.

PS Don't look at the pole or the ravine-- eyes up, looking where you WANT to go...

THERE! Now you don't have to blame kittie! You're a big boy now!!!!
Death is certain, life is not.
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