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Old 06-06-2014, 07:49 PM   #16
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My mom was terribly allergic to cats, so of course we never owned one ourselves. The problem was we didn't need to because many of our neighbors had them. She constantly suffered from congestion and had to take numerous medications just to get through the day. About 8 years ago she died. We can't say that it was an allergic reaction to cats, but we know that there were two cats that seemed to hang out in her garden and that was where she died. We begged the neighbors to keep their cats indoors, but all of them. almost without exception, thought that their cats deserved to roam freely. I will always hate cats because of that.

Of course that whole story is all BS, just like most stories on this thread. The point is, if you love cats that's great, just keep them on your property. I love my grandkids but I'm pretty sure you won't think they're so cute if they're sitting on your porsche.
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