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Old 06-06-2014, 11:51 AM   #132
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Wild Game

In the first two weeks we had Lucky, she chased a fox from the back yard. She hunted the usual critters until the table was turned on her. Wylie got her one night. Lived by the sword and died by the sword. I called her Lucky because she was lucky we didn't give her back after the girls "found" her. Guess it wasn't a stupid statement after all.

Originally Posted by JayG View Post
I was mocking the comments made by another. (making a joke).

I wasn't the one that made a stupid statement about cats hunting wild game. I seriously doubt a house cat (or even a feral one) would hunt wild game. Mice, rats, small birds and of course 986 soft tops definitely, but wild game, don't think so

Seriously, you have all those animals in an urban area? Urban areas generally are the inner city or at least the highly built up areas of a city. They typically are not large plots of land with lots of space around them.

I have not been to Winnipeg, so I can't know for sure, but you really have moose, deer and bear wandering around the urban part of the city? Maybe in the suburbs and outlying areas, but in the city?

I live in the suburbs of San Diego and we do see coyote in the street every now and then, but I live very near a large park are that is completely undeveloped. Hell we see skunks, raccoons, and lots of rattlesnakes and other forest creatures in the trails, but its a rare site in the neighborhood. We even had a mountain lion spotted the other day. Now that kitty could do some serious damage to a car.

Hell, BigJake's schoolmate caused far more damage and no one is advocating shooting, poisoning or otherwise harming him

I guess you like mice and rats, because cats are really good for keeping them away.

I'm not some kind of PETA wacko (not to insult PETA people), but anyone that advocates cruelty to animals should have the same done to them.

For crying out loud, its a cat and there are lots of ways to protect you car that don't involve violence and childish behavior
White w/Brown Top 2013 C2SC
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