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Old 06-04-2014, 06:05 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by JayG View Post
Seriously, you have all those animals in an urban area? Urban areas generally are the inner city or at least the highly built up areas of a city. They typically are not large plots of land with lots of space around them.
If you do a quick satellite view of Winnipeg you will see that two main rivers join right in the center of the city The banks of these rivers have been maintained, for the most part, as a wide natural greenspace, and so the animals tend to come up the river bank not realizing they are entering a city.

Moose and bear don't actually show up that often - usually about two bears a year and maybe a moose every two or three years. All the rest of the critters are commonly seen in the city. The beavers and racoons are real pests. There is a herd of about 300 deer living in a large forest preserve in the southern part of the city.
'99 black 986
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