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Old 06-04-2014, 07:58 AM   #53
On the slippery slope
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap View Post
This : Contech StayAway Motion-Activated Pet Deterrent : Pet Deterrent Sprays : Pet Supplies

with a little bit of this sprayed on the ground near the car : Cat & Kitten Repellent : Pet Deterrent Sprays : Pet Supplies

I can't belive this is still a problem. We have technology now.
Originally Posted by RedTele58 View Post
Why do (most) cat owners think it's OK to let their cats roam the neighborhood, crap in my flowerbeds, fight, howl and screw under my window at night, and sleep on my car? I don't let my German Shepherds roam the neighborhood.

I have 2 simple solutions for cats that come in to my yard.
1) If they are naive enough to get in my 6' privacy fenced backyard, my German Shepherds use them as a chew toy. Sorry Kitty. Stay home. Problem solved.
2) If I start having a problem with a cat (after I give it a chance or two by chasing it away), I place a live trap next to my house. When I catch a cat, as I do a few times a year, I simply load the cat and the trap into my truck and bring it to the animal control facility. To get the cat back, the owner has to show proof of vaccinations (or pay to get it vaccinated there), show the cat is registered with the city (or pay to get it registered before it can leave), and they have to pay a fine for having an animal running at large. IE - they have to be responsible for their animal.

Funny thing is, I've never seen a cat again after I bring it to the pound.

My dogs are vaccinated, registered with the city and contained on their property. IE - I follow the rules for responsible pet ownership. If by chance one of them would ever get loose and end up at the pound, I'll pay the fine, bring her home and fix the problem so she doesn't get loose again.

If a cat owner can't be responsible for their cat, it's their problem when it goes missing. Not mine. A cat that is allowed to roam faces injury by getting in a fight by another animal, hit by a car, or catching a disease from an unvaccinated animal. That doesn't sound like responsible pet ownership to me. Sorry.
Both good solutions.

Not big on the dog eating the cat, but most cats will steer clear of a yard that smells of dog.

I have dogs and cats and they get along great, even sleeping together, but the cats are very wary of a dog that is not theirs
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