Originally Posted by BFeller
Let me toss this idea out there:
Why not cut the entire amber lense off? Then attach a replacement reflector in the appropriate color? The bond to the rest of the lense would not need to be superman strong as the entire lense is supported by the housing when resealed.
I've considered this as well, but it would be a lot of work. Firstly, you would have to find a material that looks correct. Next, the piece is pretty complex shaped...it's got a compound curve. Not to mention getting a good seal between the two pieces.
Originally Posted by Mark_T
I really think a belt sander is going to be a little too aggressive for this work.
Well, this polycarbonate is pretty tough. I've gone at it with power tools before... It will be wet belt sanding though

I've also considered something like a plane, but that would be difficult also. The best way to find out is to dive right in!