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Old 04-22-2014, 10:59 PM   #423
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Originally Posted by Nine8Six View Post
Hi Richard

I didn't see the before and after but I can tell from your tone that you are very happy with what Chales did to them. I bet he added some UV protective coating to them as well. You couldn't have find better guy in the whole of the USA to restore those.
I'm actually still quite the amateur at lens restoration. The inside of the lens is no problem because there's no coating and I can polish them quite easily. However, the outer lens has the UV coating which is very hard to get through. I have yet to find a method of removing the UV layer without causing deep scratches that take hours to wet sand out.

I appreciate the compliments, but I still have a long way to go. The only reason I did Richards was because they were in such bad shape that I could do no wrong.
I'll keep at it, though

Here's a before shot of Richards. I hope you don't mind.

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