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Old 03-08-2014, 05:49 AM   #16
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I think what is cool about Guns and cars. Specifically, for us here guns and Boxsters is that in the United States we have a completely different mentality about them.

I was reading an editorial and a foreign car maker sent a designer here to try to understand why Americans care about things like cup holders and the like in cars. When he returned after traveling all over he commented something to the effect that the USA is so big and the cities are generally so spread out that you cannot help but see your car as a place you spend significant time and so eating, drinking and focusing on things other than pure driving are a must.

With guns, I have met a few military people in my life from our allies. Keep in mind that our military guys are generally the biggest proponents of firearms in this country. (war and the military is the sole reason for the explosion of the AR styled rifle phenomenon.) I was chastised on multiple occasions by guys carrying their full auto service weapon about how crazy Americans are for wanting to have AR styled weapons. To me I just wanted to say look at you! To them they saw no issue at all because they were in the military and that line between civilian and military is so stark they do not see the need for citizens to have anything near what the military has.
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