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Old 03-03-2014, 11:04 AM   #1
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The Snorkle - why?


I know the 'to' or 'not to' desnorkle the car has been done to death, but I have a question which in reading many posts here and on other sites I haven't really seen an answer for.

What is the engineering or design principle Porsche had when designing and manufacturing the snorkel.

I have read lots of desnorkle discussion on slightly more power (marginal) better induction noise (good), to not to desnorkle because of slight mid range torque/power loss and it came from Porsche like that so why change.

I had a look at my car (MY2004 S) last night and gave the snorkel a wiggle and a good pull - wouldn't budge! They have obviously inserted it so that it can be kept in there for good or you break something (not good as I only want to do things that can be changed back).

I've had a 993 before and its air box was a box with a hole in it in the engine bay so obviously Porsche has previously thought a simple hole was okay at the start of the induction system.

I looking at the snorkle, it occurred to me it looked a lot like an airflow restrictor you have on racing cars to restrict power to a given level which made me wonder if it is:

- just an air restrictor - the external evidence of Porsche restricting the engine system (intake and exhaust) to keep power within a given level
- is it designed to pull in air from closer to the grill
- purely to manage induction noise

There must have been a good reasons for them to have done what they did, they did put it there because they had a good reason....?
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