So since the last lot of pics there's been a bit of work but not the need of many more pics as it was pretty much putting the car back together
I done the plugs and the oil and oil filter too but since all the was underneath there was no pics!
So the engine got a bit of tidy up at the time aswell
Then there was the rest of the car! So far it's had clay, polish, leather balm and some stuff Rachel got me in America which has done some other parts! It's still to get window polish, the rest of the interior done, more polish and some wax!
And pretty much that was it! Bumper back on, under trays and plastic guards all back on and a jump start and good to go!
I actually took it away for a brap on the Wednesday night, it ran not too great which apparently has something to do to the ECU resetting when you disconnect the battery for a few days? And I also forgot to put number plates on that night too so I was running around with no plates on at all.... Oops
It's back in the garage for the moment for more cleaning and since it won't fit in the drive now there's 2 cars there...
And the other day I bought a carbon fibre strut brace on eBay which was listed as a 987 one but I thought I would give it a go.... Turns out the 987 is a bit wider so I will either need to sell it, or chop it up as I could make it fit
who knows!
And so that's it! I took it out last night and it runs sweet, sounds nice, loud enough but not too overbearing! So I'm happy with my work for now! Can't wait to get out and use it some again!