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Old 02-16-2006, 04:53 PM   #3
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: san antonio tx
Posts: 39
ive had a 330ci and a my bro has a clk430 and the motto is right "there is no substitute" the bmw lacks handling and the clk also lacks it and the only thing that the porsche boxster lacks in my opinion is the power that can be obtained by by people who buy the carrera,gt2/3,ect. I have never driven or ridden in a car that is anywhere close to a porsche especially in sound. I and anyone who rides with me male or female always comment on the great sound of a porsche. My friend told me it sounds like angels singing when i rev the motor. Another thing is that i have never been in another automatic car that downshifts to slow you down quicker as the boxster does.
sorry for the long post but it had to come out "there realy is no substitute"!
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