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Old 12-18-2013, 09:13 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Rickinduncan View Post
I put one of those modulating headlight things on my Goldwing so more people would notice me and I'd be safer on the road. Sounded like a good idea and it was also legal where I live. I only had it on my bike for 2 days when some guy in an old truck that was in front of me gave me a waving hand signal that indicated he wanted me to pull over. So I did. He threatened to punch my lights out (not the headlights) if I didn't turn them off. I ended up taking the module out as it didn't seem to enhance my safety, but made me a potential assault victim. Your results may vary.
You pull over for random people telling you to? Isn't that, like, the second rule you learn besides dont take candy from strangers?? That is how all bad scifi movies start..
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