Well, now we have no misunderstanding about Woodsman's tone. Lets face it, there is at least one on every site. And speaking of high school, at least now we understand his comment about JD being 'our leader' - he is jealous about JD's' popularity on this site and the fact that some, like myself, like his car. Sorry woodsman that others don't laugh at your jokes or compliment your car in the same way.
If it soothes your fragile ego, you should at least understand that this was in the context of JD inquiring about whether he should sell his current car and purchase a new 981. In that context I had the temerity to suggest that as he had put together a 2000S that uniquely suited his own taste, he should keep it.
Is there another pristine 2000 S with an upgraded dual-row IMS bearing in speed yellow with comparable mileage, the same perfectly installed and faired aero-kit, identical rims, exhaust etc.? Perhaps. In fact, I have seen others on this site who are now doing 'similar' mods to their own cars. Whether or not you share my opinion is hardly the point - at least my post in that thread was relevant to the question at hand. Your dismissal of his current vehicle was just that - a negative comment that in no way answered the question at hand, even if it made you feel better.
On the subject of this thread, for practical reasons many would prefer to keep their original lug nuts, although they would prefer not to have to keep repainting them to cover the inevitable rust. Lets face it, shiney lug nuts - whether stainless, polished aluminum, or merely covers over the originals, are purely cosmetic. Indeed, although prone to rust, the original steel lug nuts are stronger than aluminum or stainless (although nine8six's titanium ones would be stronger still).
In that context, what is wrong with shiny covers that leave the original lugs nuts and eliminate the need for painting, even if they are made in China? I am glad that you have aluminum ones that came with your GT3 RS wheel spacers (pictures???), but have you thought about the risk of corrosion when dissimilar metals come into contact in conjunction with water and air?
Anyway, I am confident that anyone who has read your posts in this thread and the one where he inquired about purchasing a new 981 can see your true colours (Canadian spelling). Your choice of words makes it clear that your primary purpose was in attacking JD and his vehicle rather than in engaging in a rational discussion about the question at hand.