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Old 02-14-2006, 06:26 AM   #12
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Houston, Texas
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"What, do poeple not use the word goofy anymore? I am frightfully out of touch."

Just in case you've never thought to yourself, "Man, I'm getting old" you should go ahead and think this right now.

Goofy is a Disney character made popular in the 60's and 70's, although he's still around today... he's not very popular any more.

You are becoming an old man before our very eyes.

Soon, you'll be griping about clothing styles of the kids you see around the mall, their hair length, and the cost of taxes. Most music will become offensive to you, even played softly, and you'll stop going to good restaurants because they're too noisy.

Then you'll by a Panamera with a tip in it and we'll all know you're an old fart who doesn't know when to slow down and enjoy the scenery.

It's a slippery slope and you can try to fend it off, but no one can.
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