Originally Posted by Jake Raby
Hmmn, what head gasket was used? With the difference in bore size at a whopping 10.5mm of bore size difference I'd expect issues. What cams were used with this?
I think he is stating that he had a 2.7 and did a 3.4 engine conversion...
Yes, that is correct. I did a full 3.4l conversion, but drilled the mounting bosses in the 3.4 head to attach a 2.7 intake manifold to it. This allowed me to avoid lowering the drivetrain. I drive my car to work every day and the roads here in the Northern NJ/NYC area are atrocious, so lowering the engine 1.5" to accommodate the 3.4 manifold was a risky proposition. One raised manhole cover and bye bye engine!
I want to install the 3.4 manifold with a 987 raised engine cover, do all of them work or is it only the "S"model that has the raised portion for the intake manifold?