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Old 10-30-2013, 11:44 AM   #15
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The throttle body position for the 2.5 is much different than the 2.7. In the stock configuration the 2.7 looks quite similar to the 3.2 intake plumbing as far as I recall. The 2.5 tb is oriented almost traight back.

The easiest route to remove the muffler or helmholtz chamber would to cut it off just be before the expansion (2.7 and 3.2) and fit a 45 degree elbow with appropriate leg lengths....or something close to it.

If you are really going to do this please do some timed accelerations from 3K to 4K rpm before and after the chamber deletion. I would be interested in throttle response times. Yes this will get you more sound but ....will it affect performance?

I personally would leave the chamber in there if you are not piping a ipd plenum or other but I definitely like some test engine acceleration times in 3rd and fourth gear from 3K before and after.

One of the reasons I have not put in a 987 air box in is that it requires the removal of the integral helmholtz chamber for fitment. I don't don't want to do all that work only to find a performance loss due to poor acoustics
986 00S
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