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Old 08-29-2013, 10:31 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by heliguy View Post
There's nothing wrong with "Spyder". You're not creating heresy and it's your car...personalize it the way you want.
Originally Posted by tonichristi View Post
Except that its a complete lie no different than putting a Ferrari emblem on it
Hardly. The Boxster Spyder was not the first covertible or roadster to be called a Spyder -- if the comment is referrring to the Boxster Spyder. That car is simply a Boxster variant, as are the Cayman, and Cayman R.

For instance, using Porsche marketing logic the Carrera Cabriolet would be the Porsche Riviera or something made up like this. While the the hardtop version remains a Carrera? Both are Carreras. Same as with the Boxster and Cayman. People should not be duped into parroting the Porsche marketing speak. They are all Boxsters or modern day 550's.

Also, Boxster Spyder is terribly redundant. Its a Boxster R or Boxster RS. Whichever you prefer.

Porsche love to create these secondary names to invent this forced hiearachy where a roadster is at the bottom, a roadster with a fixed roof is somehow higher up (conatradictorily the car sans roof has better grip and handling) and a grand touring according to this silly marking logic (which most Porsche buyers/fans eat up) is the best of all -- even though the Carrera didn't make its name as the grand touring car it became some 14 years ago. Meanwhile actual sports car logic tells you the shorter, lighter, most neutral handling, without the weight up top, car is the purest and most track capable -- the driver's Porsche.

so uhhh.. yeah I vote 986. 986 Spyder is not bad. 986 and PORSCHE is good too.
Boxster and PORSCHE in wholly different fonts/styles doesn't look right to me. Yet this is how the factory decided to do it.
I have 986S on the back and most people who stop me to ask about the car have no idea that my car is not a Carrera since "is this a 911?" is by far one of the most common questions. I think 99% of the motoring world do not know that the Boxster and Carrera Cabriolet are different cars.
To them a Porsche is a Porsche. Unless its an SUV or a big, long family sedan like the Pana.
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
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BORN: March 2000 - FINLAND

Last edited by Perfectlap; 08-29-2013 at 10:42 AM.
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