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Old 08-01-2013, 08:55 AM   #12
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 183
As Paul Harvey would say...Now the rest of the story.

It was the water pump. I'm going to invest in the company that makes Porsche OEM water pumps:-)

Since purchasing the car in Sep 09 w/104,000 miles, I have now put three pumps on the car. I had the first pump replaced at approximately 108,000 miles (I could hear it making noise). I replaced the second pump at 168,000 miles because I read in Excellence Magazine the series of articles on Porsche water pumps and their poor reliability (best to change out the pump at every 60,000 miles). This third pump was leaking via the weep-hole (no noise, just water that I thought was coming from the coolant expansion tank).

But it gets better.
After I received the new water pump and thermostat, I lost about two gallons of water between driving from the mechanic's shop to my office parking lot (approximately 3 miles).

I had a bad coolant expansion tank cap.
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