Thread: Is it worth it
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Old 07-29-2013, 05:33 AM   #46
2001 Boxster S
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 97
I'm in one of my "if I inherit a fortune / win the lottery" fantasy mode...

I realized that my 986S is the closest thing to my ideal sports car -- good classic look that never gets dated (still), good handling, quick enough and more importantly, doesn't distract me with too much tech. Just an honest to goodness sports car. What I don't like about my car is that there is always a nagging feeling that something is about to go! And it's not just the IMS. It's the minor niggles too: water pump, alarm, radio, AOS, MAF, and so on...

What's my point? If I do inherit a fortune / win the lottery, I won't buy a 981. I'd completely rebuild my car - engine, wiring, electronics, interior, exterior!

Okay, now back to earth...
2001 Boxster S
Arctic Silver
'Brenda' aka Money Trap aka 100% Fun!
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