Thread: Is it worth it
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Old 07-27-2013, 02:46 PM   #44
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Opinions vary. Mine is that a 981 isn't any more fun to drive than a 986 at all. In fact, for me a mildly tweaked 986 is more fun than a factory spec 981.

981s are faster and have more grip. But that doesn't make them more fun. There's less steering feel, the brake pedal is spongey and over servoed and generally it feels like a bigger car. I prefer my sports car to feel snug and compact and intimate. The 981 ambience is more luxury GT - it looks and feels like a bigger car than a 986, which for me is a negative.

I honestly wouldn't personally go for a 981. If I had 981 money to hand, I'd be buying a really nice 993 or maybe a 996 GT3. I'm not bothered about having a newer model or the car being more refined cruising on a motorway, so the 981 just doesn;'t have anything to offer me over various used Porsches for the price.
Manual '00 3.2 S Arctic Silver
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