Originally Posted by Steve Tinker
Even if the car has only 6,000 miles on the odo, the original owner has done the right thing by having the oil changed every year. So in reality the engine internals have not been "sitting" in contaminated oil full of carbon and acids.... The engine is barely broken in at this mileage - I'm willing to bet that the bores still have hone marks and the compression test will be as new....
It would be interesting to find out if the owner had an extended Porsche warranty after the original warranty ran out - that would also be a good sign.
Whatever the outcome, you will be driving a near new car. It probably wants nothing more than a good long open road run to clear out all the carbon & soot - just make sure you keep up the maintenance regime as per the book (or preferably better) and I think you will enjoy your car for many years. 
Thanks Steve! I can't wait to close the deal and take her on a road trip this September. I will publish the PPI results here once I get them for opinions from all the experts. I will ask the owner about the extended warranty and I do intend to take good care of her. She will be the most valuable thing in my young life.