I've got a photo of a red 981 Cayman S on my cubicle wall and I will probably leave it up there for another 3 years and then buy a CPO example when the perfectly optioned one comes along.
I would love a 3 year old 991S but frankly, a new Cayman S with a turbo kit on it (which someone will come out with as soon as the 981s come off warranty) will keep right up with a 991S and the motor's not hanging off the back.
I have not driven one yet and have no plans to do it because I'll get a desire to buy one and I just can't afford it starting a new career. However, I can't wait to own a Porsche that doesn't need fixing all the time. It's been exhausting. All I've done to my boxster aside from take it to DE's the last few years is repair something that's worn or was poorly made in the first place.
BTW, I'm going with a Cayman S next because of the rattles associated with aging convertibles. Never again.
Last edited by RandallNeighbour; 07-25-2013 at 11:32 AM.