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Old 06-12-2013, 10:33 PM   #29
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Location: Gilbert, AZ
Posts: 266
Originally Posted by Eric523 View Post
LOL, you sir, are highly optimistic. If buildings, utilities, and tools were free and you could sell over a 100 of these a year, and find a way to only use $300 in materials, you would be RICH!

Windows, seals, latches, fiberglass, carbon, aluminum, seals, fabric, hardware, electrical, lights, hinges, chemicals, primer, packaging crates, a website, shipping, receiving, accounting, advertising...for $300 a unit.

I think the reality is you would spend $10k-$15k to make molds, sell 10 a year, make $500 a piece, and maybe make your money back in a few years, all the while having to store and maintain these huge molds and materials. Then have people say you are ripping them off at $2500.

The industry manufactures that I've contacted said they would not even invest $1500 of their time/money to make a mold because the return would be so small, even if I gave them the prototype for free.
Eric, this is one of the best posts I've read on a forum in a long time. So much truth spoken in one post, and most people will never understand the challenges that shop owners face in trying to justify the cost in bringing any new product to market, especially products that appeal to such a small audience. Most people can recognize and maybe even appreciate exceptional quality, but few people are willing to pay a premium for it.

Last edited by kcpaz; 06-12-2013 at 10:37 PM.
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