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Old 05-11-2013, 09:09 AM   #1
2001 Boxster S
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 97
Ah...don't think I need to explain my personal circumstance but I'm pretty sure I won't see the car until Thursday (when i'm scheduled to fly back) and there's a fair bit of distance between Singapore and Manila. Okay, it's not quite 2000 miles - it's 1,486!

Unfortunately, Manila is not quite so fortunate to have so many Porsche shops. There's only ONE and they charge an arm, a leg and your first born!

Hence, it's going to have to be fixed by an indy mechanic and I would have to source the parts online. That's just how it is in the third world. :ah:

Ideally, I'd like to get a lead on what could be the potential issue so that I can have an intelligent discussion with the mechanic when I get to Manila later this week.

So any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Don't worry, i won't buy the parts until i know it's necessary!
2001 Boxster S
Arctic Silver
'Brenda' aka Money Trap aka 100% Fun!
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