Thread: ATD vs GAHH
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Old 04-21-2013, 07:51 AM   #19
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couple of local installers work with gahh, but don't use atd. one of them claimed that the atd ones don't fit corrected, cause problems, and despite the return guarantee atd doesn't honor it after the installer's worked with it.

based on information here, i'm pretty convinced they are the same product and same company (sounds like robbins and gahh are now co-owned, and that sierra may be owned in gaff), but i have a few questions:

1. folks here talk about the guarantee being different, but it appears atd does have a lifetime guarantee on the glass seal, not just 5 years.

2. does anyone have experience with the a5-ds with the upgraded high level acoustic coating (that only comes in the black top)? does it really add anything like the haartz site claims?

3. is the defroster wire harness kit compatible with 1st gen pre-2003 boxsters?
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