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Old 04-16-2013, 09:14 AM   #18
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most NA cars will make good power between 12.3 and 13.5 AFR. i will be generating maps at WOT that model lambda from around .83 to .92 in 1% increments across the RPM band. i will plot HP vs. RPM vs. AFR, chosing the power path & programming the computer accordingly. i will also monitor knock to make sure things are safe. one thing i need to learn more about is ethanol in fuel. does RON+MON/2 account for the anti-knock properties of ethanol? i.e. does ethylated 93 octane fuel have a higher EFFECTIVE octane rating?

I have wondered this too. I'm guessing that it is unregulated other than to insure it has the posted octane as a minimum. Consumer reports a 15% reduction in MPG when using "Gasohol"
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