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Old 03-14-2013, 06:01 AM   #15
Registered User
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Scotland
Posts: 106
i thank you kindly

the bumper and exhaust seem to be pretty standard parts over here in the uk, whether they differ from the US spec parts i dont quite know, but american stuff sometimes differs due to crash tests and stuff

unfortunately i cant tell you much about the petrol we make that you probably dont already know. we make regular grade ULSP (ultra low sulphar petrol) which is 95RON and we make SUMS (super unleaded motor spirit) which is 98RON and we also make DERV (diesel). the plant also makes everything else you can think of that comes from crude oil along with by products like H2 and SO2. we have recently introduced a plant and system which injects bio-ethanol into the regular gasoline to make it more economical (it also boosts power, infamously the koennigsegg CCX or whather one it was, if ran on bio-fuel can boost power to over 1000BHP).

i thank you for the tips on my photography aswell. i run my own facebook page/instagram/website/tumblr/everything internet based for my photography. if you search StillAuto you will most likely find it i mainly do vw shows and stuff...

i will also be visiting Georgia as my girlfriend hails from there originally. i am coming over mid june for 28 days hoping to take in some sun, sights, theme parks and great food! may even see a boxster or 2 when i'm over :P

i have a couple updates which will be made in due course... all i'm saying is my ebay account should probably be removed from me....
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