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Old 03-08-2013, 03:06 AM   #9
rah rah 986
1998 Boxster
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Lakewood, Ohio
Posts: 110
I have had my '98 base for a year, and it has been the focus of my attention...I love it! But, I really Do wish it had more power....mainly quicker acceleration. Have looked into lots of mods that might help but have found few if any that will make significant power increases without either potential harm to the car, or at a monetary cost that can't be justified. I do have an underdrive pulley on order in the hope of some little power improvement.

This all said, I frequently think that if the right deal on a 2003 or 2004 S were to present itself, I would make a change just for the power increase.
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