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Old 02-18-2013, 02:58 PM   #53
Jake Raby
Engine Surgeon
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Cleveland GA USA
Posts: 2,425
why would this not come with a written iron-clad guarantee against any failure of the IMS bearing?
Because here in the real world we know that collateral damage from other failures can easily kill the IMS Solution and it will never be conclusive when something fails. Nothing we sell has fine print associated with it and I refuse to sell people any product based on some shiny paper and a glorious warranty. I would rather fewer people buy our components for the right reasons, rather than selling them on a piece of paper and a promise. Its kind of like Unicorns and Rainbows covered with glitter, just like the rest of the modern world where over promising and under delivery is typical. I learned long ago that if I have to convince someone of something that they are not the type of purchaser that will appreciate what we create.

Remember, all I deal with are broken engines, nothing comes here healthy and its never a best case scenario. The Solution or any other device can be taken out by another device and then we have to prove that didn't occur- I don't have time for that.

That said, this thread was not started on the topic of the IMS Solution. Its unfair to the sellers of the "other" product to go off on such a wild tangent. They didn't do that to the threads that were started about our IMS Solution, so its not fair to do it to them.

Lots of good info in this thread either way. Everyone here should be glad that ANY option exists, people seem to forget that there was a time prior to my development of the IMS Bearing extraction devices when IMS bearings were said to be "non-removable" and if the bearing just started to fail the engine needed replacement. The fact that we can have these arguments about options is just a big pat on the back to me considering I built the first extraction device for 12 bucks and some scrap pieces from my machine shop. I should have patented it- biggest mistake I ever made.

Its been a good thread and I am leaving on a positive note.
Jake Raby/
IMS Solution/ Faultless Tool Inventor
US Patent 8,992,089 &
US Patent 9,416,697
Developer of The IMS Retrofit Procedure- M96/ M97 Specialist

Last edited by Jake Raby; 02-18-2013 at 03:12 PM.
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