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Old 02-17-2013, 11:08 AM   #163
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Posts: 31
The 987 and 986 have different ECU programmes (and ECU's) , even though they share the same heads and much of the internal engine parts. If you fit a 987 inlet plenum T its supposed to modulate independently from the cross flap that is in the other link tube between the inlet manifolds. Unless you get a custom ECU I cant see how you could get the plenum T to modulate correctly , so it may be better to simply fit the T without any control. I also suspect that the variocam on the inlet also adjusts based on the plenum T as would possibly ignition and fuelling. Assuming you are fitting the airbox as a performance modification, it may also be better to fit a cayman / post 2006 boxster plenum T rather than the earlier 987 boxster 3.2 model. The later model plenum used on the M97 engine uses the same airbox but has a larger throttle body ( 76mm rather than 68mm diameter). I would still sugest this is fitted without the vacuum control or if possible with a 996 3.6 manifold T which doesnt have the internal flap control. If you fit either the M97 76mm plenum or the 996 3.6 item you need to also fit silicone reducers to mate the T to the inlet manifold on each side as the diameters are about 10mm different. There is a write up on planet 9 under the articles section and a few posts on 996 plenum tees into 986 boxsters under the tuning part of the forum. Hope this helps.
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