When my wife bought me the Boxster S I was so happy like a new father. Afterwards I came to realize that the envy that exists in our society is rampant. Where I worked the owner of the business insulted or berated me about the car on a daily basis since I was 55 yrs old. Then it was the midlife crisis geniuses turn to insult me. One of the best pulled over on the Long Island Expressway , due to a fender bender a car full of yuppies laughed at my predicament. There is a sweet revenge to it all as I told the puerto rican boss I had when the company went belly up the following " Hey guess what I still own my Boxster as his car was repossed. Moral of story " enjoy your Boxster forget what the other s***heads will be saying because it will certainly be not nice.
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate