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Old 01-17-2013, 05:37 AM   #16
Homeboy981's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Sherman, TX
Posts: 663
Hi All,

The North Texas Boxster Enthusiasts did this mod at one of our events….with a twist!

Instead of CUTTING on your boots. GET A SYRINGE and INJECT the WD40. Spray it into the cap, suck it out with a needle, tap three times to look like a doctor (optional), and inject into the boot AT THE HIGHEST POINT THAT DOES NOT TOUCH METAL - so as not to foul the needle. There are four locations per wheel.

I go down dirt roads to find houses, this fix has saved my sanity. So far, I have done it twice in a year of ownership and driving dirt roads daily. So once a year may be more then enough.

The trick is to use the needle as it will not leave a major hole like cutting the boot would. Your mileage may vary….but they ARE QUIETER MILES! Enjoy!
2002 Porsche Boxtser S - Silver & Chrome - Died from IMS failure AFTER IMS was replaced!
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