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Old 12-22-2012, 04:54 PM   #27
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Humidity as an IMS bearing failure factor?

What is the thinking there?

If that's the case, surely driving style will have much more impact? If a car just does infrequnet short journeys, moisture in the oil won't be boiled / burned off. If it regularly gets nice long runs, it won't really matter what the environment is like as the engine temp will be nice and hot for extended periods, burning off the moisture.

Also, if humidity was a material factor, I think there would be fairly clear anecdotal evidence of higher failure rates in the UK than a lot of other countries. But I just don't see that. Hardly anyone has had an IMS failure on Boxanet since I started using it nearly three years ago.

I do get your thinking, Topless, and I'm not a million miles away from it myself. It's just a pretty big investment in my current financial circumstances, so it's a very tough decision.

If I was sure the upgraded bearing was a dead cert not to fail, it would make the decision a bit easier, I think...
Manual '00 3.2 S Arctic Silver
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