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Old 12-10-2012, 09:11 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2012
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Posts: 106
Lapis Blue Boxster - Continually updated - 09/12/13

a little introduction;

my sunday name is Steven, koosh to everyone however!
i live in a small, cold, dark, little town in central scotland.
i work as a technician in a very local petrochemical plant.
i am just at the tender age of 24 years old, a little young some may think, to own a porsche.
i purchased the car in november of this year, the car in question, as you may have guessed from the title, is a lapis blue boxster S.
i crashed my old car the week prior (a picture shall follow), and at the time i was doing alot of overtime at work meaning i had some extra cash coming in. i thought to myself that i could either continue buying and modifying old volkswagens or i could spend the money on a nice porsche and then get myself a good project vw to work on in the garage at home! i intended on buying a boxster and not touching it but after much ebay trawling i cant see that happening! i've already spent a bit on it and its technically not turned a legal wheel yet!
anyways i took the plunge and here we are. the car wont be coming out until the spring hits next year but for now its sitting pretty awaiting some attention.

and i will say this once as a forewarning, but i am an avid photographer and i like to take pictures..... of everything!! so bear with on the picture front!

here it is on the way home from picking it up. this being what i can only assume is the first of maaaaaaany pit stops i shall encounter in my porsche owning lifetime! i had to get my buddy to drive it home due to not having road tax and insurance!

this was the night after i got it home;

a couple others (more arty!) a few days later;

and that concludes my intro!
i thank you if you have read it all! any comments and criticisms are welcome

Last edited by koosh; 12-09-2013 at 04:24 AM.
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