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Old 11-08-2012, 09:51 AM   #18
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Junk science, in my view. In their analysis they focused on the Porsche Boxster as being a 'showy product', or a sign of conspicuous consumption. Hence, they interpreted their data so as to conclude, inter alia, that women perceived the men with a Porsche as opposed to a Honda Civic, as being significantly more interested in short-term sexual relationships because of conspicuous consumption. While their study may establish a correlation in the minds of women between Porsches and an interest in short-term sexual relationships by the men who own them, I would suggest that it is impossible to conclude that it is simply because Porsches represent 'conspicuous consumption' by their male owners. It may also be that to women, Porsche ownership says the following about a man: he is virile, has a fun-loving/devil-may-care attitude, a desire for the sensual experience of speed, a greater prediliction for risk and an enhanced appreciation of a curvaceous and sensual form!

Conspicuous consumptioin be damned!


PS I was actually being (somewhat) serious! If they had wanted to find a correlation between conspicuous consumption and sexual signaling, surely it would have been better to use a vehicle that was less exciting and sexy - perhaps a Rolls Royce, which is certainly emblematic of conspicuous consumption, but which does not possess the Porsche's other attributes that may also be sexually suggestive to some women.

Last edited by southernstar; 11-08-2012 at 11:00 AM. Reason: added the PS
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