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Old 10-28-2012, 02:55 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by SilverSpear View Post
I was wondering about that too....

Does this switch sends the commands to the clusters or the opposite?

I say the clusters do to that switch since they detect the speed of the car and send the order to the mechanism to either expand or retract.
the relays are activated by the cluster.
so the switch "tells" the cluster what is the position of the spoiler, and the cluster will activate the relevant switch based on that.
i guess that the switch also let the cluster know if the spoiler is fully extract/retract, so the cluster will be able to stop triggering the relay.
next step for me, i will connect two indicator lights to the cluster wires (see diagram), and will drive the car. i would like to see if the cluster send command to the relays.
if not, i will override the switch and test again.
in your case, you can connect directly to the motor using 2 after market window roll up modules. as i suggested before.
when your switch is spreed, it will activate one of the modules, and will extract the spoiler. when the switch is released, it will activate the other one, and will retract the spoiler. you will need a switch with both NO and NC contacts.
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