Yesterday I returned from my first road trip with the Boxster or Porky as we all call her at home.
My friend flew into Heathrow from Chicago ORD to accompany me on almost a thousand miles of serious driving from Leicester, UK to Dover, Calais, France, Dunkirk, Rotterdam, Den Haag and Amsterdam, and back.
But first, she needed a bit of TLC - Three hours of washing and waxing with my new Dodo Juice finsh wax from a friend- nailed ever piece of body work with a thick coat, then gently buffed off. (all by hand)
And after, looking tres tres shiny.
Many videos taken whilst driving, most unsuitable for this forum due to the frankly staggering language from my Latino friend!!

he is very good at swearing.
The car drove 100% solid, no knocks or squeaks, plenty of power all over and after the first 500 or so miles she felt even better! comfortable and fun for the whole three days.
Fuel economy lingered around the 30 mpg point even with my heavy right foot...:dance: how does this compare to yours?
The trip has given me a huge boost in confidence about the car, now for those new brakes......