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Old 08-16-2012, 01:15 PM   #1
Kaili <3
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Denver Colorado
Posts: 60
Radio upgrade question

I have been poking around the internet for new decks for my car. I saw the cool DIY post here about the chinese unit, looked alright, but I was wondering about one of these JVC - 50W x 4 MOSFET AppleŽ iPodŽ-/Satellite Radio-Ready In-Dash DVD Deck - KWAV60BT

What do I need to install it and will it work with my car? I have the Bose upgrade system and I'm dying for my XM or pandora. I hate the radio haha shame to waste such good speakers on FM.

I wasn't looking to buy today, but just to get some information so I might be able to get one at Christmas or something. I got this car for my birthday so a present well spent I turn 25 in 4 days hehe. (Oh I paid for the car myself, it was a self present, just thought I'd clear that up before someone thinks I'm a free loader lol)
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